
My blog now supports plain-text comments

November 18, 2023 | 4 Comments

I have always wanted support for comments on my blog, but I could never figure out how to do it, while keeping the website 100% static, and avoiding any complexity or anything that could be considered privacy invasive.

In the end, I decided to go with a static solution that only requires a tiny bit of manual work by me. I don’t expect a lot of comments anyway. It’s all based on the “Dead Simple Jekyll Comments” project.

I basically copied their product, removed a bunch of features, made some tweaks to it, to make it work better with how I like things. I removed things like the privacy invasive feature that make calls to the Gravatar service, and the ‘reply to comment’-feature. There’re also no notifications or anything like that. I wanted it to be as simple as possible.

It works by you e-mailing me your comment—using my fancy mailto-link—that you can find in the comment section, located below each post. When I accept your comment, I’ll just send the content to a shell script that does the rest of the work for me.

While this might not be for everyone, I personally really like the simplicity of it.


Comments (4)

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November 18, 2023, 14:11

Test 1 2 3 😁

December 1, 2023, 11:04


December 4, 2023, 15:44

Good work. A lack of comments is one thing that kept me off the small web for a while. I've "ultra-minimised" wordpress, but of course that isn't static. This is an interesting solution…

December 4, 2023, 19:09

George: Thank you! I find this to be a good enough solution. I used to run WordPress years ago, but it's really not something for me. WordPress kills the fun for me, because how complicated and heavy it is. :)