My Rofi plugin for wtwitch
February 5, 2021
I recently wrote about wtwitch (a CLI-client for Twitch) and while it’s a really good client, I was missing the ability to launch the streams via Rofi like I used to be able to do in the past with Twitchy.
That’s why I adapted my current Rofi script for wtwitch instead of Twitchy:
And here’s the script itself:
handle_selection() {
if [[ $1 ]]; then
name=$(echo $1 | awk {'print $1'} | sed 's/\://')
notify-send "wtwitch" "Launching the livestream with $name"
streamlink$name --title "{author}: {title} ({category})"
exit 1
handle_selection "$( wtwitch check | sed -n '/Live/,/Settings/p' | sed '/Live channels/d;/Settings/d' | sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]\{1,\}[A-Za-z]//g;s/ //;' | rofi -font "xos4terminus 12" -bw 3 -dmenu -i -p 'wtwitch' )"
The only thing it’s missing is the current online time of the channels, but that’s a limitation of wtwitch and not my script.
And I know, I haven’t made a post about Rofi itself yet. I’ve been using it for years now, perhaps it’s time for it soon.