How to launch Twitch streams via Rofi using Twitchy
September 23, 2018
I wrote this little script for Rofi that lets me launch Twitch streams using Twitchy. It requires Rofi, Twitchy and Streamlink to work.
handle_selection() {
if [[ $1 ]]; then
name=$(echo $1 | awk {'print $1'})
notify-send "Twitchy" "Launching the livestream with $name"
streamlink$name --title "$name - Twitch"
exit 1
handle_selection "$( twitchy --non-interactive | sort | awk -F, '{print $1 " - " $(NF-1) " [" $(NF-2) "] (" $(NF-0) ")"}' | rofi -font "xos4terminus 12" -m 0 -bw 3 -dmenu -i -p 'Twitchy' -hlbg '#5FA5D7' -bc '#5FA5D7' )"
I use this script to list my Rofi scripts in Rofi:
cd $HOME/Scripts/rofi; menu=$(find -L . -printf '%P\n' | sort | tail -n +2 | rofi -font "xos4terminus 12" -m -0 -bw 3 -dmenu -i -p "Rofi Scripts: "); ./"${menu}"
And I have bound it to Alt
in i3:
bindsym $mod+shift+p exec "sh $HOME/Scripts/"
Post updated
- September 28, 2019 - I updated the script to fix an issue with some stream titles causing the stream uptime to not work properly.