
My Desktop - January 2023

January 12, 2023

It’s a new year, which means that it’s time for another “My desktop”-post. The last one, was back in November 2021. Not much has really happened since the last time.

In my last post, I was trying out Debian. I had some idea that I wanted to try out something dead simple. I think that idea lasted for about a month, before I went back to Gentoo again.

My desktop looks pretty much the same as the previous years. I haven’t really changed much in.. an eternity ago. Well. Why change something that works.

Changes since the last post

Yes more panel

In the last post I wrote “No more panel”. I turned out that I actually like having a panel. ;)

My setup

Here’s some information about my setup and some of the more frequently used software that I use regularly.

Operating system: Gentoo Linux
Window manager: i3
System panel: Polybar
Shell: zsh
Terminal emulator: URxvt
Terminal typeface: Terminus
Terminal colour scheme: Solarized
Application launcher: Rofi
Notification daemon: Dunst
Text editor: Neovim
File manager: Ranger
Web browser: qutebrowser
E-mail client: Mutt + mbsync
Web feed reader: Newsboat
Password manager: KeePassC
Bookmark manager: Buku
Media player: mpv
Image viewer: sxiv
Instant messaging client: WeeChat + bitlbee
Document reader: Zathura
Calendar: Khal
Contact book: Khard
CalDAV/CardDAV-sync: vdirsync

Share your desktop

It would be fun to see what your desktop looks like. Feel free to comment on this post on Mastodon with some pictures and information about your setup.


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